All About Free Fire's New Nexterra Map

There isn't much of a reason to expect new maps in Garena's Battle Royale game Free Fire unless there is some major event taking place. This year's 5th anniversary is a perfect example.

The fifth anniversary update will include a brand new map called Nexterra. While the official launch of Nexterra isn't until August 20, Advance players can already try out the map.

Free Fire's new Nexterra map will be covered in detail in this article.

1. Nexterra: A Quick Overview

Nexterra is a sci-fi-themed land unlike any other in the Free Fire series. A competitive advantage can only be gained by making use of the new features.

This map will feature two new mechanics:

  1. There is no gravity in Anti-Gravity Zones, so players can jump higher and shoot opponents while in mid-air. Fall damage is also wiped out in this area.
  2. Magic Portals: These portals are strategically positioned around the map to aid players in their quests. Players can use them to travel between designated areas in a matter of seconds. Many new tactics, such as ambushing and flanking, would become possible as a result.

There will be a lot of landmarks to explore in Nexterra, just like the other maps in Free Fire.

  • Intellect Center
  • Twin Bridge
  • Mortar Ruins
  • Rust Town
  • Zipway
  • Mud Site
  • Deca Square
  • Plazaria
  • Farmtopia
  • Grav Labs
  • Turbine
  • Museum

2. Nexterra's Notable Locations


Platforms, hallways, and secret passageways are abundant in this futuristic showroom. The main building contains a good amount of loot that has been placed in strategic locations.

Intellect Center

There are several small buildings in this area of research, and there is a ton of great loot to be found. Three bridges connect it to the main island.

The Intellect Center is likely to be a popular location on the Nexterra map because it is the most prominent structure.

Twin Bridge

To get to this area, players must jump across a pair of enormous bridges. Aside from being a transition area, Twin Bridge doesn't get a lot of foot traffic.

Mortar Ruins

As far as the eye can see, this area is littered with crumbling buildings. A dangerous area to be in because there is little cover and players are constantly exposed in the open is also a factor.

Mud Site

Mudsite, despite its name, is an unfinished building area with very little mud. Loot can be found in a large number of small buildings that can be demolished by players.

Players should be prepared to engage in close-quarters combat due to the abundance of cover available.

Deca Square

Deca Square is a sprawling open space dotted with a variety of residential and commercial structures. The pink flower fields that surround this location are unquestionably its most striking feature.


Fast food eatery Plazaria is open to the public. It's located right next to Deca Square, in the middle of the map.

Loot of the highest tiers can be found in the main building, which is enormous.


All of the land in the middle of the map is taken up by Farmtopia, a futuristic farm. Many players would arrive here and engage in combat right away as a result of its location.

It's a large area with few buildings and obstacles, so long-range weapons should be prepared if possible. Some of Nexterra's most spectacular drops can be found in the main building.


In the middle of the map, right next to Farmtopia, there's a place called the Zipway. However, it differs from Farmtopia in that it lacks large structures and, as a result, poor loot.

As there are a lot of smaller structures scattered throughout the zone, it will take time and effort to loot them.

Grav Labs

The anti-gravity area mentioned earlier is part of Grav Labs. Anti-gravity research is being conducted here. Gunfights will take place in the sky for those who land here.

However, staying on the ground is preferable to jumping very high. You'd be exposed and vulnerable, and could be shot down fairly quickly.


Large wind turbines dot the landscape in this unique location. Overall, the turbines are just decorations, and the drops in the area aren't all that great. Additionally, a body of water separates it from the island's main body.

Rust Town

Rust Town is a continuation of the Mortar Ruins, but unlike the ruins, it is intact and has buildings full of loot.

In some cases, players may be able to land right away at this location to begin their game right away, depending on the flight path.

Source: UnGraduate Gamer on YouTube.

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