Complete Passwords and Exploration Points Solution for the Tower of Fantasy Guide

 The largest competitor to Genshin Impact, Tower of Fantasy, just came out yesterday. There are many novel techniques and challenging puzzles to solve throughout the game's open environment. You can probably figure out the combination to these locks on your own, but it would be quicker to just enter the correct password.

This page will teach you where to find the Electronic Lock, Deconstruction Device, and Exploration Points in Tower of Fantasy, as well as the correct passwords for each.

All Passwords for Electronic Lock and Deconstruction Device (August 2022)

Players should be able to crack all of the passwords in one sitting using this list, saving them the trouble of having to keep coming back.

HT201 Shelter 85.0, 967.0 Electronic Lock 1647
The Lumina 788.0, 670.0 Electronic Lock 1024

Instructions for Acquiring Exploration Points in Tower of Fantasy

Five unique items have been discovered so far at Tower of Fantasy's exploring points. Two of them need a weapon with the Fire element, which you will obtain after completing an early plot quest.

What to do at Chowchows

Simply pick up the adjacent Water Elemental Core and hurl it at the Chowchow to destroy it. A Black or Gold Nucleus would be regurgitated after it consumed the core.

Sometimes the core is hidden, and players need to find it.

What to do at Tar Pits

If players use a fire weapon, they may easily destroy these tar pits. You may grab whatever is within (often a Black or Gold Nucleus) by attacking it until it begins to dissolve.

What to do at Dandelions

Dandelion seeds may be obtained by hitting the Dandelion exploration point. One of the drifting seeds conceals a Black Nucleus if you look closely enough. Attempt to knock it out of the sky or fire it to collect.

What to do at Glowshrooms

The glowshroom is the toughest Exploration Point to crack. These enormous blue mushrooms emit purple particles and nothing else. The trick is to hop from one to the next in the correct sequence. In the image below, we can see what happens as we travel from the lowest to the biggest size range: a Black Nucleus.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to solve the Tower of Fantasy Exploration Puzzle? Complete the tasks for each exploration point and solve challenges based on item interactions and elemental mechanics.
What to do if the passwords are not working? Check for any typos and confirm your coordinates to make sure you're interacting with the correct device.

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