In ArcheWorld, how do you teleport?

 In ArcheWorld, there are two methods of teleportation. Using your Teleport Book and a Memory Tome.

Invoking Memory Tomes To Set Recall Points.

A Memory Tome can be found in most towns and tourist destinations. Using the context menu available when you right-click on the memory tome, you can designate it as a Recall location. It is possible to teleport directly to that location using the Recall skill once every 30 minutes after it has been completed. The Recall skill can be accessed by pressing "K," going to the Basic tab, and finding it directly under "Basic Abilities" if it isn't in your quick slots.

When I'm in a place where I'll be spending a lot of time, like near my house and farm, or when I'm using a public farm, I'll use the Recall skill.

Using the Teleport Book to open portals

It's also possible to open a portal in ArcheWorld using your teleport book. After visiting those locations, you can always open a teleport book portals to them by using the teleport book.

Opening a Portals

Open your Teleport book, select the location you wish to visit, and press the little greenish circle at the bottom right corner of the window to teleport there. To activate the portal, simply press the button to start the timer and jump through once it is ready (literally).

To open a portal, you'll need a Hereafter Stone instead of the recall skill. The auction house sells Hereafter stones, but you can also craft your own. An intra-continental gateway can be opened with just one Hereafter stone, but an inter-continental gateway requires three Hereafter stones.

You can save a Hereafter stone by teleporting to Sanddeep Community Center, using the gateway to Rockborne Basin, and then teleporting to your final destination. As a result, you will save one Hereafter stone on your journey.

Instructions for Making Hereafter Stones

A raw stone is the first step in making Hereafter stones. To make 10 Hereafter stones, you'll need at least 18. Once you've gathered the bare minimum of raw stones, you can use the stonemasonry workshop to turn them into stone bricks. A single stone brick can be made from three pieces of raw stone.

Onyx Archeum Essence can only be obtained once you have six stone bricks. The auction house option is once again available, and I would recommend doing so in this case. Due to the fact that you must deliver cargo to a cargo exchanger in order to obtain Onyx Archeum Essence, this requires trading across the sea. If you only want to collect Hereafter stones, this is a time-consuming endeavor that isn't worth it.

At this point in the game, you have six stone bricks and one Onyx Archeum Essence, which you can use to make ten Hereafter stones.

Passing Through Portals.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, jumping through a doorway is possible regardless of whose door is open. Whenever a gateway is opened, you can always see where it will take you from the top. It's just a matter of jumping through the gate and you'll be transported there.

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