J.Biebs outfit bundle, MP40 skin, and more from Free Fire x Justin Bieber leaked

 Free Fire's fifth anniversary will be commemorated with a collaboration with Justin Bieber, making it one of the most significant events to mark the occasion. Overall, players can expect a month full of rewards and activities to look forward to.

All the Free Fire x Justin Bieber collab items leaked so far, including J.Biebs outfit bundle, MP40 skin, and more, will be revealed in this article!

Leaked Free Fire x Justin Bieber items

One of the most trusted sources for information on upcoming events, products, and partnerships has been Gaming Mistry, which provided details on the Free Fire x Justin Bieber collaboration. If these leaks are true, there is a high probability that they are.

Listed below are all of the new items that have been announced:

  • J.Biebs Outfit bundle (includes both inked and regular)
  • Acoustic Serenade
  • MP40 – Tunes of Rose
  • Melodious Hover
  • Sports Car – Marquis
  • Gloo Wall – Biebs Mural
  • Beautiful Love emote
  • Grove Moves emote
  • Peachy Ride arrival animation

There are no known methods for obtaining these items. For the most part, the best-looking items are likely to be purchased with diamonds.

As a bonus, Gaming Mistry also provided a list of leaked items that may be added to the game during the 5th anniversary celebration. A sampling of the most popular:

  • Golden Futurnetic Bundle
  • Sterling Futurnetic Bundle
  • Passion Reuniter Bundle
  • Beauty Reuniter Bundle
  • Groza – Sterling Futurnetic
  • Treatment Sniper - Sterling Futurnetic
  • M4A1 – Sterling Futurnetic
  • M1887 – Sterling Conqueror
  • Universe Shatter Loot Box
  • Electro Fuse Loot Box
  • Universe Shatter Backpack
  • Sterling Star Backpack
  • Titanium Harness Skyboard
  • Crystal Digital Skyboard

J.Biebs in the Free Fire series


J Biebs, Justin Bieber's character in Free Fire, will be introduced in the same way as the previous collaborations. Garena has a history of changing character names before they go live, so this may not be the final name you see on all servers.

J Biebs is a man who wants to unite a fractured world. Through his childhood experiences, he learned that the answer to people's problems is not money or power but the actual connection between people. He has decided to use his singing skills to dedicate his life to reunite the world.


Silent Sentinel is the name of a passive skill that Justin Bieber possesses. Those within 12 meters of the player are able to block 15% of incoming damage with their EP. The user's EP pool will receive the deducted EP from allies.

Players gain a larger area of effect and a greater amount of damage reduction by leveling the skill. The character's passive, which prevents teammates from taking damage, is geared toward group play. As far as I know, it's not clear whether or not this skill can affect the user of the passive. By having all teammates use it, a user can get the benefits for free since EP is not wasted and simply spread around.

They'd still have to stay within a distance of 12 meters of one another, so it's not perfect.

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